Best Medical Aesthetic Treatments for Summer

Best Medical Aesthetic Treatments for Summer

June 21 marks the first official day of summer and we’re pretty excited to be drinking in all the sunshine and beach air we can handle. But summertime fun can easily be overshadowed by self-consciousness, as we shed spring layers for shorter hemlines and revealing beachwear. While aging is just as natural as cellulite, lax skin, or stretch marks, there’s no shame in wanting to treat yourself to a little summertime tweak here and there.

For those interested in summer medical aesthetic treatments to help you look and feel your very best, here are our recommendations for the top medical aesthetic procedures for summer. 

Boutique Body Shaping

Body shaping treatments have gotten a bad rap in recent years. Oftentimes, it’s suggested that treatments focusing on shrinking fat cells are simply a way to bring everyone down to a size 0, but boutique body shaping treatments respect the unique shapes and curves of each body. Through a series of customized sessions, boutique body shaping treatment plans mix and match technologies and techniques while tailoring treatments to the individual’s comfort level, body shape, treatment goals, and more to achieve natural-looking and beautifully unique results. For example, a combination of radio frequency-based body shaping treatments and cryolipolysis may be used to offer improved results in fat reduction in areas that are harder to hit with exercise alone. Together, these treatments produce cold and heat below the skin’s surface to shrink fat cells and kickstart skin’s natural collagen production cycle for a reduction in circumference and smoother, firmer skin. With results being visibly noticeable in as little as six to eight weekly treatments when using radio frequency-based body shaping treatments, for example, it’s possible to reach your own body goals before summer is gone!

Hair Removal Touch-ups

While it may be tempting to ditch the razor or cancel the waxing appointments now and opt for laser hair removal instead, breaking up with your razor or esthetician is going to take a little more time. Laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) hair removal treatments will certainly offer permanent hair reduction and silky-smooth skin, but it will take time to see the best results. This is because hair grows in three stages. Each follicle may be in a different stage at any given time, but laser and IPL hair removal devices can only treat the follicles that are in the anagen (growth) phase. For this reason, multiple treatments are needed, spaced four to eight weeks apart, to treat all follicles. While this may mean it’s unlikely the full effects of any laser or IPL hair removal treatment plan will be seen before summer turns to fall, it’s still worth taking the plunge this season for those looking to commit. Completing a hair removal treatment plan now means that next summer, you’ll be razor-, wax-, and appointment-free—plus, you’ll be saving more money sooner. As for those who have completed their hair removal treatment plan and are noticing regrowth this summer, now is the perfect time to book a hair removal touch-up appointment to maintain smooth, hair-free skin year-round.

Wrinkle Reduction

The summer sun can seem like it’s casting an extra bright spotlight on wrinkles and lax winter-worn skin. Firm and smoothen skin this summer with cutting-edge anti-aging treatments. Utilizing advanced radio frequency technology, these treatments deliver heat deep below the surface to the middle layer of the skin (dermis). This heat signals to skin to kickstart the production of collagen, a protein found in the skin, beginning the healing process. The result is the smoothening of fine lines and deep wrinkles and the firming up of sagging skin for a more youthful, refreshed appearance—no makeup, plumping creams, or primers required. Noticeable results may be expected in just a few treatments, which are delivered weekly, are quick enough to fit into a lunch break, and feel like a relaxing hot stone massage. So why not treat yourself and your skin to this weekly indulgence that won’t only cut wrinkle-inducing stress, but will also help to reverse the appearance of damage already done?

Acne Reduction Treatments

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions experienced worldwide and those with acne-prone or oily skin know summer brings its own set of skin challenges. To maintain a clear complexion this summer, consider IPL acne treatments in place of, or in tandem with, a healthy skin care routine. In the summer, hotter temps kick sebum production into high gear, while bacteria have plenty to live off of with increased sweat production. Together, these conditions lead to increased breakouts and inflammation. IPL acne treatments offer a one-two punch by reducing inflammation and killing off acne-causing bacteria. While twice-weekly treatments offer the best results, it’s time well spent for a clear complexion you can flaunt before summer’s end.

So, whether you’re searching for a subtle anti-aging touchup or some body shaping tweaks, a certified treatment provider will be able to help guide you in creating a perfectly customized treatment plan tailored to your unique summer beauty goals. To get started today, or to simply learn more about all of our summer-ready Venus Concept treatments, locate a provider near you today using the search field below.

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